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Which one of these must give way?

Both cars are facing green lights. As Car A is indicating to turn right it must give way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction before turning.

Which one of these must give way?

At an uncontrolled intersection, all vehicles must give way to other vehicles approaching from their right. Car A should therefore give way to Car B.

Which one of these must give way?

Car B is turning right and so has to give way to all oncoming vehicles, including Car A who is turning left.

Which one of these must give way?

Car A is turning right and so has to give way to all oncoming vehicles, including the cyclist who is turning left.

Which one of these must give way?

Car C is entering the road from a private property and must give way to all vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians on the road, footpath or other road related area.

Bicycle and motorcycle riders have the same rights to use the road as other motor vehicle drivers. They are however, more at risk in traffic because-

Right turns must be made from which lanes when travelling on a laned roadway?

What does this sign mean at an intersection if used with a thick white line painted across part of the road?

What does this sign mean?

If you double your speed and you crash into a large stationary object such as a 'stobie' pole, what happens to your risk of being injured or killed?

If you are taking any sort of medicine, you should-

What does this sign mean?

Where must you drive your vehicle on a road that is not marked with lanes?

While driving, you come across aggressive, selfish or ignorant driving behaviour by another driver. You should-

Which of the vehicles are permitted to cross the lines on the centre of the road in order to overtake?


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