Quick quiz

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Which one of these must give way?

Both cars are facing green lights. As Car A is indicating to turn right it must give way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction before turning.

Which one of these must give way?

In this T-intersection, car A is on the terminating road and so must give way to all vehicles approaching from either direction on the continuing road, including the cyclist who is turning right.

Which one of these must give way?

When turning at an intersection, Car B must give way to any pedestrian crossing the road that it is turning into.

Which one of these must give way?

At an uncontrolled intersection, vehicles must give way to all other vehicles approaching from their right. Car A should therefore give way to the cyclist.

Which one of these must give way?

Both cars are facing a give way sign, however Car A is turning right and so must give way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.

When you see this sign you should-

What does this sign mean?

What does this sign mean?

Alcohol is a major contributor to approximately 30% of motor vehicle crashes where serious injuries or fatalities occur. What is the increased crash risk for a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.05%)?

During the hours stated on the sign in the diagram, are you allowed to enter and travel along the bus lane?

A child aged 6 months to 4 years, must-

Bicycle and motorcycle riders have the same rights to use the road as other motor vehicle drivers. They are however, more at risk in traffic because-

As a provisional driver, how many standard alcoholic drinks can you have immediately prior to driving?

When you see this sign you-

Where are you allowed to park at the kerb on a road near a private driveway?


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