Multiple Choice questions

  • 0 of 42Complete
  • 0 of 42Correct
  • 0 of 42Incorrect

When are you allowed to enter and cross a railway crossing where flashing red lights operate?

This sign means you should-

When driving in wet weather, your vehicle will-

Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?

What is the speed limit of a vehicle passing a school bus that has stopped to allow children to get on or off?

Which statement is true?

When you come across road works-

If you are going out and going to drink alcohol, the best way to avoid having to drink and drive is to-

You are driving your vehicle along a street and want to stop for a short time. Are you allowed to double park your vehicle (that is stand it on the road alongside a parked car)?

What are you required to do if you develop a serious medical condition that could affect your driving?

You wish to turn left at this intersection. The traffic lights are red and you see this sign. You should-

You are on an open country road with double unbroken dividing lines. There are no side streets and no entrances to properties. Are you allowed to cross the dividing lines?

What could be the penalties for driving over the speed limit-

If you see a horse and rider on the road what should you do?

When driving near children playing or walking near the edge of the road, you should-

Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?

Which of the following statements is correct?

You want to park your vehicle on the road at night where there are no street lights. You should-

When do School Zones apply?

If the red lights on this sign are flashing, what are you required to do?

At a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, when the lights change to red you should-

Alcohol is a major contributor to approximately 30% of motor vehicle crashes where serious injuries or fatalities occur. What is the increased crash risk for a driver with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.05 grams of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (0.05%)?

What does this sign mean?

When two lanes merge into one (as shown in the diagram), who should give way?

You are driving on a road with a painted island. There are no side streets and entrances to properties. Which one of the following statements is correct?

The car wants to turn right and exit the roundabout in the street indicated by an arrow. Is the car positioned in the correct lane to do this?

You drive up to an intersection with a stop sign. There is no painted stop line. Where should you stop?

What is the meaning of this sign?

When you see this sign you-

What is the most common cause of drivers being involved in rear end collisions?

A child aged 6 months to 4 years, must-

It is important to scan while driving so you can see everything that is happening on the road. What does scanning involve?

Which one of the following statements is correct?

You are approaching a green light in vehicle A. An ambulance sounding its siren is approaching the same intersection and has a red light. You should-

You are driving towards an intersection in a lane marked with arrows for turning right. Are you allowed to change lanes before the intersection?

When passing a cyclist, what are the required minimum distances that must be adhered to?

What should you do if your windscreen is shattered by a stone from a passing vehicle?

If the vehicle you are driving is involved in an accident, which results in injury to a person, or which causes damage to property, what must you do first?

You drive up to a tram that has just stopped at a tram stop. What is the most important thing you should do?

These lights mean that you-

To turn back into the same road from which you joined this roundabout you must-

When you wish to drive straight ahead at a dual lane roundabout you may enter from either the left or right lane. As you continue around you should-


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