Multiple Choice questions

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  • 0 of 42Incorrect

Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?

What does this sign mean?

At a pedestrian crossing with traffic lights, when the lights change to red you should-

This sign means you should-

What must you do at an intersection when faced with a 'Stop' sign without a thick white line painted across part of the road?

What does this sign mean?

Which movements shown in the diagram can legally be made by the driver of Vehicle 1?

A vehicle ahead of you has stopped at a pedestrian crossing. You-

If there are no lanes marked on the road, you should drive-

When is a driver allowed to go over the speed limit?

What does this sign mean?

When you wish to turn left at a roundabout you indicate-

When you see children on or near the road-

If the vehicle you are driving is involved in an accident and a person is injured, you-

Where should you brake for a sharp bend in the road?

What does this sign mean?

You approach an intersection showing a red light and the sign shown. You wish to turn left. You must-

What is the speed limit at a children's crossing (Koala crossing) when the yellow flashing lights are operating?

You give a friend and her 12 year old son a lift. Your friend sits in the front and her son gets in the back. The boy does not put his seat belt on. By law, who has to make sure the child wears his seat belt?

If the red lights on this sign are flashing, what are you required to do?

The only effective way to deal with driver fatigue is to-

A Qualified Supervising Driver must have held an unconditional licence for the preceding-

You are driving on a sealed road and ahead you see some gravel. You should-

How close can you park to another vehicle when parked parallel to the kerb?

What does this sign mean?

Before changing lanes you should-

What does this sign mean?

You want to drive your car but you have a very bad headache. A friend gives you some of their headache tablets to kill the pain. What should you do before you take these tablets?

You are waiting to turn right from behind the stop line at an intersection. You are faced with a green light and a red right turn arrow. The red arrow light goes out. What should you do?

Are you permitted to park on a dividing strip or nature strip?

You wish to go straight ahead on a dual lane roundabout. Which lane may you use?

You are in Vehicle 1, you may overtake Vehicle 2 in front-

Providing they are not breaking the speed limit, what is the maximum speed for learner drivers who are not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls?

What is the meaning of this sign?

When you see older people on or near the road, you should-

Is it an offence to refuse to take a Police breath test?

You wish to turn left and pedestrians are still on the crossing. You need to-

You want to park your vehicle on the road at night where there are no street lights. You should-

You drive up to a tram that has just stopped at a tram stop. What is the most important thing you should do?

You want to make a left turn. You must use your left hand indicator-

What is the closest distance you may park on the approach side of a children's crossing?

What does this sign mean?


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