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Which one of these must give way?

On a road when two lines of traffic merge into one line, this is called a zip merge. In a zip merge the vehicle that is behind, in this case Car A, has to give way to any vehicle that is ahead of it.

Which one of these must give way?

In this T-intersection, car A is on the terminating road and so must give way to all vehicles approaching from either direction on the continuing road, including the cyclist who is turning right.

Which one of these must give way?

At an uncontrolled intersection, vehicles must give way to all other vehicles approaching from their right. Car A should therefore give way to the cyclist.

Which one of these must give way?

Both cars are facing a give way sign, however Car A is turning right and so must give way to all vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.

Which one of these must give way?

At an uncontrolled intersection, all vehicles must give way to other vehicles approaching from their right. Car A should therefore give way to Car B.

At a children's crossing you must-

When are you allowed to overtake another vehicle on its left side on a road not marked with lanes?

When drivers have been drinking, the crashes they are involved in are generally-

What is the meaning of this sign?

What should you do if a rear tyre on your vehicle should deflate rapidly while travelling along the road?

When overtaking a vehicle in front of you on a road not marked with lanes-

When turning right from a two way unlaned road to another two way unlaned road, you must approach the intersection from-

At traffic lights what is meant when a red light appears?

A vehicle ahead of you has stopped at a pedestrian crossing. You-

When do School Zones apply?


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