Quick quiz

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Which one of these must give way?

In this T-intersection, Car A is on the terminating road and so must give way to all vehicles approaching from either direction on the continuing road.

Which one of these must give way?

Car A is facing a give way sign and must give way to vehicles coming from any other direction.

Which one of these must give way?

At an uncontrolled intersection, vehicles must give way to all other vehicles approaching from their right. Car A should therefore give way to the cyclist.

Which one of these must give way?

Car A is turning right and so has to give way to all oncoming vehicles, including the cyclist who is turning left.

Which one of these must give way?

At a roundabout, you must always give way to vehicles already in the roundabout. Therefore as Car A is already in the roundabout Car B is obliged to give way to it.

If turning at an intersection are you required to give way to pedestrians?

If you are not sure you have enough distance to overtake a vehicle ahead, you should-

You are in busy traffic and slow down for a bicycle rider. A driver behind you beeps a horn and pressures you to go around the bike and drive faster. How should you respond?

If an overtaking vehicle signals that it must move in, in front of you, you should-

Driving faster than the maximum speed limit is-

If safe, you may overtake another vehicle in front, which is not signalling, on an unlaned road-

How close to an intersection, without traffic lights, are you allowed to park?

On a freeway with a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h, a learner driver who is not in a driving school vehicle fitted with dual brake controls must not drive faster than-

You approach a crossing and see the scene in the picture. You should-

As you approach a set of traffic lights at an intersection, they change from green to yellow. You must-


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