Getting a safe start
Since the Street Smart Primary began in 2014, we’ve taught thousands of children across our state essential skills to keep them safer around our roads.
Frequently asked questions
What does Street Smart Primary offer?
Street Smart Primary offers five lessons per day to a maximum of 30 students per lesson.
If your school requires more than five lessons, additional visits can be arranged.
Where will the lessons be held?
To provide optimal learning experiences for all classes, it's best for all the lessons to be held in the same room.
Does the classroom teacher or the school need to prepare anything?
- A suitable workspace for a maximum of 30 students that allows enough floor space for a road mat (2.5 x 3.5m) to be accommodated.
- Technology that caters for the use of a PowerPoint presentation via USB (including video and audio capabilities).
- RAA's staff work health and safety policy recommends that our Road Safety Educators be assigned an 'available' classroom space in schools to avoid risk of injury. A downstairs location is best, but if the location is upstairs, we must be able to access the room via a lift or ramp as we carry a lot of equipment.
How many lessons can a school book?
- During each visit, our Road Safety Educator will deliver up to 5 lessons in one day.
- For larger schools, a subsequent visit can be arranged upon request.
- We cater for a maximum number of 30 students per lesson to ensure that all students have access to the optimal learning experience.
Does Street Smart Primary cater for students with additional needs?
Yes, we offer a 30-minute lesson to cater for students with additional needs. Our Road Safety Educator will work with your key school contact to provide a lesson that's suited to your students' needs. Download a brochure outlining our road safety lessons for students with additional needs (PDF, 2.33MB).
Does Street Smart Primary cater for Intensive English Language Students?
Yes, our Road Safety Educator will work with your key school contact to provide a lesson that's suited to your students' needs. -
What other resources are available?
We've created a resource for teachers to download (PDF, 215KB) with follow up suggestions and activities for students in junior, middle and upper primary. -
Is there a Street Smart program for preschool students?
Yes, we run a program for preschool students aged 4 and up.
Community education
Find out more in sa move, the RAA magazine

Lessons learnt at Street Smart Primary
sa move drops in on a Street Smart Primary session to find out what it's all about.

Heartbreak and hope at Street Smart High
Powerful crash stories and family testimonies heard at the annual road safety event.

RAA launches kindergarten road safety program
Street Smart Preschool aims to educate young children about road safety.
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