Creating safer, smarter drivers
Road crashes are one of the leading causes of death for people under the age of 25.
To help change this, we run Street Smart High – an annual road safety event that demonstrates to students the realities of road trauma.
The one-day event also gives young and soon-to-be drivers the knowledge they need to stay safe on the roads.
Held in partnership with the Government of South Australia, thousands of high-school students attend every year.
Teacher testimonials
Annette Lamont, Kildare College
'On the way back to school, the bus driver dared to look at his mobile phone while stopped at a traffic light – the girls were quick to tell him that wasn’t on!'
Miescha Hawkins, Mary MacKillop College
'The discussions by students in the following days, and even weeks after the event, has shown how thought provoking it has been.'
Alna Briel, Portside Christian College
'It makes students think twice about safety while driving a car.'
Liz Tidemann, Christian Brothers College
'The students were able to identify with the speakers and it was relevant to them.'
Cathy Miegel, Lameroo Regional Community School
'We could never organise something of this magnitude and impact for our students.'
Josie Piantadosi, Seaton High School
'It gave the students a reality check.'
Community education
Find out more in sa move, the RAA magazine

Lessons learnt at Street Smart Primary
sa move drops in on a Street Smart Primary session to find out what it's all about.

Heartbreak and hope at Street Smart High
Powerful crash stories and family testimonies heard at the annual road safety event.

RAA launches kindergarten road safety program
Street Smart Preschool aims to educate young children about road safety.
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